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CALM Anxiety: Wise Mind Technique

CALM Anxiety: Wise Mind Technique

Anxiety can be a relentless adversary, but with effective strategies, it can be managed and even diminished. We've delved into techniques for calming the body and accepting anxiety in previous segments. This segment introduces a concept called the "Wise Mind," a potent amalgamation of the "doing mind" and the "being mind," fostering mindfulness and cognitive restructuring. In this blog post, we explore how this technique can help you navigate the complex terrain of anxiety.

Understanding the Wise Mind

Marsha Linehan's Wise Mind technique aims to strike a harmonious balance between two distinct mindsets: the "doing mind" and the "being mind."

  1. The Doing Mind: Think of this mindset as being hyper-focused on tasks, akin to an engineer with a clear goal. People in the doing mind are ambitious and goal-oriented, often going through life on autopilot without considering their thoughts and actions deeply.

  2. The Being Mind: In contrast, the being mindset is all about presence. Those in this state are curious, observant, and deeply aware of the present moment. They notice subtleties and experience life with heightened mindfulness.

Bringing Balance with Wise Mind

Wise Mind, as the name suggests, is the middle ground where these two mindsets overlap. It's about combining the doing and being mindsets to enhance our awareness while engaging in activities. 

Nothing is worse than feeling unsafe in your body, like you are a victim of your fear and not in control. You have come to the right place. Learn how to take back your freedom from high anxiety, bodily sensations and panic.

The Practical Application of Wise Mind

  1. Overcoming Overwhelming Emotions: When emotions become too overwhelming, Wise Mind serves as a tool to regain focus. By intentionally merging the doing and being mindsets, you can increase your awareness of the task at hand, helping you navigate challenging emotional moments more effectively.

  2. Assessing Emotional Reactions: Wise Mind encourages you to ask whether your emotional reaction aligns with the situation at hand. Are you overreacting or underreacting? What does your Wise Mind say about the situation? This introspection helps you make more balanced decisions.

  3. Wise Counsel: Think of Wise Mind as your inner wise counsel. It enables you to pause and reflect on your actions and emotions. By fully immersing yourself in the present moment and intentionally focusing on what you're doing, you can tap into this source of wisdom.

Marsha Linehan's Wise Mind technique is a valuable addition to the CALM Method's arsenal of tools for managing anxiety and stress. By bringing together the doing and being mindsets, it encourages increased awareness and balanced thinking in the face of overwhelming emotions. Incorporating this technique into your daily life can help you achieve a calmer, more balanced perspective, ultimately enhancing your overall well-being. In our next installment, we'll delve further into the CALM Method's components to provide you with more insights and practical strategies for managing anxiety and stress.

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