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7 Questions to Stop Anxiety - Checking the Facts - CALM Series

7 Questions to Stop Anxiety - Checking the Facts - CALM Series

Checking the Facts is a highly effective Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) technique designed to address and rectify misinterpretations and negative thinking patterns. This technique, which shares similarities with the Examine the Evidence method in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), is a logic-based approach aimed at cultivating a more objective view of one's thoughts. In this blog post, we delve into the comprehensive process of checking the facts, exploring how this technique serves as an effective tool to curtail anxiety and foster mental well-being.

Critically examining and challenging assumptions and interpretations through a series of thoughtful questions is the core of this approach. By doing so, we can move beyond initial emotional reactions, gain a more objective and accurate understanding of a situation, and make more informed and rational decisions.

Process of Checking the Facts:

  1. Identify the Thought/Assumption: Recognize the negative thought or assumption that's causing anxiety.
  2. Evidence Contrary to the Thought: Seek out evidence that contradicts your negative thought.
  3. Evidence Supporting the Thought: Acknowledge any evidence that supports your negative thought.
  4. Probability Assessment: Evaluate the actual likelihood of your negative thought becoming a reality.
  5. Wise Friend's Perspective: Imagine seeking advice from a wise friend about your thought.
  6. Positive Viewpoint: Consider how the situation might appear from a more positive angle.
  7. Long-Term Perspective: Reflect on whether the current situation will matter in the grand scheme of things.

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Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Perspective:

In the realm of DBT, Checking the Facts involves questioning whether fear and anxiety are justified, especially in situations where life or the well-being of a loved one isn't genuinely threatened. DBT highlights that anxiety can arise without a valid basis and guides individuals in developing a more realistic understanding of their fears.


You believe you're unlikely to receive a promotion because your boss doesn't like you. However, as you examine the evidence, you discover that your boss encouraged you to apply for the promotion and gave you a positive review. This practice helps you achieve a balanced perspective and realize that your negative assumptions lack substantial evidence.

Benefits of the Checking the Facts Technique:

By employing the Checking the Facts technique, you can:

  • Mitigate the influence of biases, emotions, and cognitive distortions on your perceptions.
  • Make more informed and balanced decisions by systematically questioning your assumptions.
  • Cultivate a clearer and more objective perspective on situations, reducing anxiety.
  • Empower yourself to navigate challenges with clarity, reducing reliance on unfounded assumptions and emotional reactions.

The Checking the Facts technique is a powerful tool from Dialectical Behavior Therapy that helps individuals manage anxiety and overthinking by promoting balanced and rational thinking. By challenging assumptions and critically evaluating thoughts, you can gain a clearer, more objective perspective on situations, ultimately leading to reduced anxiety and a greater sense of control.

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